Traditional email tools send emails. ZEPIC drives engagement.

Unlike standalone tools, ZEPIC offers a powerful platform that's just as easy to use with a drag-and-drop interface throughout. By integrating with 50+ tools out of the box, it empowers marketing teams to craft hyper-personalized email campaigns that truly resonate, driving higher open rates, increased conversions, and more revenue.

ZEPIC Vs. Other Email Marketing Tools

Perfect for personalized campaigns that excite and engage customers

Improved conversion rates

Turn casual website visitors into lifelong fans with hyper-personalized campaigns that captivate and convert.

Accelerated launches

Design, execute, and optimize your campaigns solo or with Zenie AI—no dependencies or wait times!
Other ESPs

Perfect for running one-time email campaigns

Bulk campaigns

Scattered data across tools leads to emails with little to no personalization, resulting in irrelevant, broad-sweep campaigns.

Dependent on multiple teams

Juggling multiple teams for design, data, and tools slows down campaign execution with unnecessary complexity and delays.

Built for businesses seeking deeper customer connections

Customer 360 view

ZEPIC's got your back with its in-built CDP, offering razor-sharp customer insights while playing nice with your tech stack in real-time. Plan and fire off campaigns so personal they'll win hearts and fill carts!

Powerful automation

ZEPIC delivers rich insights and powerful automation, tackling complex campaigns with ease. Plan and execute across all channels—not just email—and watch your campaigns come to life with minimal fuss.
Other ESPs

Built for basic email marketing needs with minimal extras

Fragmented customer view

Traditional ESPs rely on limited website and CRM data, leaving you without essential customer insights. This lack of context can result in missing key opportunities and potentially losing valuable customers.

Simple automation

Most ESPs are like training wheels—great for a start but offer limited automation, sticking to just the email channel. Sure, simple is tempting, but you risk getting stuck with a tool that doesn't keep pace with your growing business.

A feature-by-feature comparison to find your business's best fit

Email marketing tools
Built-in CDP
Contact Management
Happens in real-time
Not available in all tools
Email Designing Tools
Templates Library
Email Client and Mobile Optimization
Limited to website, CRM
Send Time Optimization
Zenie AI for Customer Journey creation
Zenie AI for Email Template Generation
Not available in all tools
Zenie AI for Segment Creation
Team Inbox
A/B Testing
Coming soon
Analytics and Reporting
Integrations with 50+ tools, along with Web SDKs and Open APIs
Limited to the email channel alone

Fast-track your campaigns with real-time data access

Connect data from all your tools instantly with ZEPIC’s Web SDKs and Open APIs. Access pre-built segments, configure workflows with an easy drag-and-drop interface, and use out-of-the-box templates to launch real-time email campaigns based on your customers' journeys. Get everything you need to kick off campaigns quickly and without hassle. And, with real-time insights powered by all your data, you’re guaranteed to deliver impactful campaigns that captivate and convert.

Unlock the full story behind every customer

While other email marketing tools limit insights to email and website activity, ZEPIC goes the extra mile, creating dynamic customer profiles that evolve with every interaction—be it from your website, CRM, helpdesk, or even in-store and beyond. With data integrated from every touchpoint, you gain a 360-degree view of every customer and their journey—delivering deeper, richer insights and enabling personalized engagement that puts other email tools to shame.

From frustration to engagement—reach the right audience with precision

ZEPIC’s advanced segmentation pulls data from all your tools, allowing you to create precise customer segments that go beyond what regular email marketing tools offer. This ensures your campaigns reach the right audience with the right message. Need to reconnect with customers flagged as frustrated by your support team two years ago? ZEPIC’s helpdesk integration makes this possible. Send a personalized email that acknowledges their past experience and invites them back. With ZEPIC, your emails don’t just reach inboxes—they rebuild relationships and keep customers coming back.

More than just email

Unify your data

Integrate customer data from all your tools into one platform to power smarter, more personalized campaigns that resonate.

Engage all channels

Reach your audience through email, WhatsApp, and more, creating consistent customer experiences that boost loyalty.

Grow your business

With smarter campaigns designed to convert, expand your customer base, increase their lifetime value, and grow your revenue.